Learn Java Tutorial 1.1- Setting up Eclipse, Hello World

Learn Java Tutorial 1.1- Setting up Eclipse, Hello World What’s up guys? This is my series for beginning Java Programming. You’ll learn all the basics in this series, and then we will get in to some sweet stuff like game development! In this lesson you will get Eclipse set up, so you can easily start writing code an compiling your applications. If you followed the tutorial and your command prompt shows that you DONT have the necessary java JRE, click this link to get that set up: www.mybringback.com This video is from the mybringback series: Learn Java Tutorial at: www.mybringback.com follow us twitter: www.twitter.com facebook: www.facebook.com
this is a video showing you how to get a better sounding recording of your mixing. using free software that you can download (link below) you can use the free plug-ins that come with it so tweak your audio. audacity is so easy to use and you can also play around with it to do your own tweaks. here is the link to the video showing you how to download it: www.youtube.com the bit you want is at 10:13 in the video. here is the link to download audacity: audacity.sourceforge.net thank you for watching. nice one!!!
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