Legibility And Reader-Friendly Font


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because we are used to the current pattern, but when several improvements will add up, it will make a significant impact on the overall reading speed. BTW, most editors used by software developers already employ monospace fonts to facilitate the source code reading.

I believe, it would be better if punctuation was obviously different from letters. For example they might occupy the same width, but be smaller in height. And in any case, every stand-alone element with 1×1 pixel size should be modified (e.g. they might look like a tiny cross), as they are too small and it requires too much effort to identify them (e.g. ‘:’ and ‘;’).


<i>Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes!</i>
No doubt that a smart man would have done much better, but where is he? Meanwhile, the proposed solution has some

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