Let’s Play: Borderlands – Episode 32: Watchu’ Want!?

WATCHU’ WANT?! But seriously?! Kill some enemies, blow shit up, grab some booze? Well I can and will do two of those quests no worries! I will have to come back for the booze but it’s all good! It shall all get done eventually. Enjoy guys! Last class is tonight so we will revert back to the 2-a-day model afterwards! As always I am working hard on making this LP as enjoyable as it is for me to play through and talk about so if you feel the same excitement waiting for new episodes and enjoyment whilst watching them, feel free to tell me about it in the form of a like, comment, or sub! Let’s Play: Borderlands – Episode 32: Watchu’ Want!? ———————————————————————————————————– My Facebook: www.facebook.com My Channel: www.youtube.com My Twitter: www.twitter.com My e-mail: duffking56@gmail.com
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