Looking for a cheap, but okay, handheld camcorder (read)?
Question by PianoOHiku: Looking for a cheap, but okay, handheld camcorder (read)?
This summer my sister is leaving for Europe for about two months, coming home for a month, and then leaving for college in the fall. I know she is sad that she will be missing the mission trip with our church and marching band camp. Also, she will be missing our brother’s birthday, and he is turning eight (so she’s missing out on some of the best times of his life). I thought a good way to keep her in on somethings would be to make videos. I am looking for a camcorder that I can plug into a USB port on my Windows XP (Windows Movie Maker is the editing software I use). I am looking for something AS CHEAP AS POSSIBLE, but I would like something of okay quality. The reason for this is because if I take it to camp and stuff, it’s a big risk of it getting broken (not really stolen, because I would be holding onto it. I’m more worried about getting caught out in the rain or falling on it).
Best answer:
Answer by Chuckie
consider one of the Flip video cameras:
or similar:
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