LOTR Forced Perspective Moving Camera
From Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition Appendix on Visual Effects

*SPOILER WARNING* + DON’T BEG FOR CLIPS o_ö I got it with torrent, now sshh XD Movie: How to train your dragon Song: Avatar Soundtrack ‘True Heroes’ Description: It has been a year ago that I made a full-video. A short explanation could be that I have stress and health problems, but I also just didn’t enjoy it anymore to make videos. I couldn’t keep up with you guys xD. All the effects and new stuff just grew above my head. I got frustrated, and was never happy about my own work. (lol those teenager emo feelings). Anyway, a few days ago I watched a vid with this avatar soundtrack and the movie avatar. It was just put togheter with no effects at all, just the right scenes to the music. (www.youtube.com And that gave me the passion of making stuff like that again. My best friend Lizzy really loves this movie (and I love avatar SO badly XD) so I decided to go for a combination of it. And well, it worked didn’t it? You may be dissapointed, you may think this is crap. I know some scenes even don’t really fit the timing. But, the point is that I really enjoyed making this. And that I will start again with making vids here. More with this kind of movies, don’t get me wrong. I love Spirit, TLK, Bambi and stuff like that, but I really need something ‘fresh’. So I’m réally back now, but I changed (:. I want to dedicate this video to Lizzy 1. I love you (BAHA… *Cough*) 2. This must force you to make your own videos too! x3 About the video, well I’m not going to put the whole movie …
Video Rating: 4 / 5