Make Money Online With a Starting Budget
free or professional web design already created, in this last case count at least – of your budget, for a blog it’s easier, every blog script have lots of free skins to download.
To have total control of your web space you have to buy a domain, domain + hosting -0 in average for 1 year.
With a Keyword suggestion tool find 5 or 6 keywords on the base of your site content, that will go in the meta tags of your index page meta keywords content. If your site’s theme is make money online, chose keywords searched but with less search engine competition. Example: the key “make money fast free” has 5.540.000 in, not extremely competitive, therefore a good choice; “how to make money” has 62.200.000, hard competitions; “make money real estate” has 10.500.000 results, low/medium competition; “ways to make money” 37.100.000 results, medium/high