making a special effects movie–LOW budget–what’s the best way for my actor to fake throwing up?
Question by Reggie Star: making a special effects movie–LOW budget–what’s the best way for my actor to fake throwing up?
He is playing a high-school student who gets sick in the classroom.
The idea is to see how we can reproduce the effect.
None of this quart-size container stuff. I want it to be at least marginally believeable.
Best answer:
Answer by Nikki D
To do it very, very cheaply. You could make a bowl of peaches and cream (its an oatmeal) the scene can go on and then right before he’s gonna throw up have the camera look at someone or something else (maybe someone who’s grossed out). Then turn off the camera have him put a bunch of the peaches and cream in his mouth. Turn the camera back on and have it show him throwing up the peaches and cream.
Hope it works for you!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!