Making an AMV with windows movie maker?
Question by : Making an AMV with windows movie maker?
I’ve been wanting to make music videos of certain shows and movies for a long time now. I have the shows/movies on dvd but I’m not sure how to get everything in windows movie maker from there and use it.
Any tips?
p.s I’ve used windows movie maker before with short video clips and pictures but not with taking anything from a dvd. Sorry if this is a stupid question, just looking for help.
Best answer:
Answer by Dingoman013
You would have to get a dvd ripper to get the movies off the discs, but if you downloaded them onto your computer you could just copy and paste the files into the little folder and shorten them to the appropriate lengths and under the video thing there should be a little + that if you click it, it will bring you the the videos audio
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