Making Cold Calls Enjoyable … Impossible?


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make the best out of each call, that I am being respectful, and that I don’t impose any undue pressure.

5. About Preparation

I recently got a call from a logistics company salesman. He rambled on and on about how great their service is, how competitive their rates are and God knows what. Since I’m a polite guy, I let him finish and didn’t hang up right away. I then asked him if he knew what kind of business I’m in. The answer was as expected: “No.”

A little research on my company would have saved time for him and me because it’s quite obvious that the transportation needs for Progress-U are non-existing.

Using Google, Yahoo and other search engines gives you in most cases sufficient information to figure out if a call makes sense in the first place.

6. Making every call meaningful

If you don’t want to be

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