Making it as Molly – Season 3 – Episode 7 “BFF”

Molly becomes friends with a surprising person. MOLLY’S FACEBOOK:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The link to download this house is over here: Yay! After a few days of not playing and being in a creative block I’ve managed to pull this off!!! If you/ve seen the video before this then you’d have seen my attempt at making a waterfall…. and it bumming out on me =\ I’ve decided to leave the waterfall out of this house because of space limitations so I’ll add it into house 18, whatever that is… I’ve recently joined a group of super advanced sim builders on the Sims 3 site ( who’ve given me awesome ideas and stuff which I will use for all my future works. I’ve also started using CFE (constrainFloorElavtion) a lot more and well as MO (moveobjects) – keep up with the acronyms – which are purely for aesthetic purposes. I was supposed to have built on foundations so the pool and the fence were on a real deck instead of lowered terrain, but its too late to change it now, the house plan itself has had to change because I used the wrong lot so it’s now going to be on the left side, it’s going to be a challenge but we’ll see how it ends up! Avalon Grande took 9-10 hours to build altogether and costs 8 000 furnished and 1 unfurnished. =] Enjoy!!!

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