Making Money Online – BANS Versus the Competition
Making Money Online – BANS Versus the Competition
Recently, I wrote an article explaining my reasoning for choosing BANS(Build A Niche Store) as the main engine for driving my online income streams. Here, I will look closely at a number of powerful features which the BANS script includes and then compare BANS to products from Amazon, Google and Clickbank.
First and foremost, there a three strong features of the BANS script and program. First, it is incredibly easy to build out store after store very quickly after you have spent some time learning the ropes.
Second, you are provided with an enormous number of products from the world’s largest marketplace(Ebay)and you simply choose which subset of these products that you will sell. Third, your upfront expenses are minimal and you can reasonably start your BANS venture for less than two hundred dollars.
right, let’s look at these features in turn. I began working with BANS around April 1st and within a month I could create a functioning store in under an hour. Now this is not the product that you want the public viewing, however, after this point you will just be adding all the bells and whistles that will separate your store from all the rest.
The second powerful feature associated with BANS is the ability of the BANS script to interface with the Ebay product feed in a seamless manner and provide you with the functionality to create product feeds for different niche markets. Here, it is up to you to decide which market you want to service but the choices are nearly infinite.
The third feature which puts the BANS program head and shoulders above the others is the start-up costs involved. This, of course, is extremely important for everyone
but is especially crucial for those just starting out.
All right, let’s now look at some products by competitors which offer affiliates a chance to make money online. The Amazon affiliate program offers commissions across the entire Amazon inventory and affiliates can build “a-stores” in which they can sell the products.
The Amazon a-store is not not nearly as detailed as a BANS website and products must constantly be checked as to their availability on a day by day basis(something not necessary with a BANS store). In addition, your ability to develop stores around specific types of products is very difficult as many of the tools that the affiliate must use to build the store are somewhat primitive and restrictive.
Clickbank offers, by far, the largest repository of information products available anywhere on the Internet.
Because you are dealing with information products, delivery is always in the form of a download which is a positive for the affiliate.
However, Clickbank provides no script by which the affiliate can easily build a website to sell these products(as opposed to the Amazon a-store or the BANS script). The affiliates must either build the website themselves or incorporate the selling of the Clickbank products into an already existing site. In addition, you must be ready to strongly market each and every product you intend to sell if you intend to have any chance of success.
Lastly, let’s look at what Google has to offer. Perhaps the single largest affiliate program available today is the Google AdSense program. AdSense provides blocks of advertising material which the affiliate can place in appropriate locations on single or multiple webpages.
The ads are contextual in nature as Google has an algorithm which serves up advertisements that match the content of the page on which they are placed. The affiliate earns money when these ads are clicked on regardless of whether the visitor even purchases a product. Developing websites for the express purpose of earning AdSense money is frowned upon by the major search engines and this product should be used to supplement an income stream that is already in place.
In comparing all these products and then trying each in turn, it became clear to me that BANS stores offered the best chance for success. In fact, the model that I now have in place uses BANS as the primary income stream and I am using the other products in a supplemental way where it is appropriate.
Like all good products, BANS requires a discipline and committment
that will have you working hard in order to get it right. But the payoff can be what you hoped for when you got into Internet Marketing in the first place.
Find out more about Building a BANS store.
Author’s Websites:
Kate Spade Handbags, Clothing and Accessories.
ATV Universe.
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