Making Money Online ? Work Can Be Fun!


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Making Money Online ? Work Can Be Fun!

There are many reasons why most people go to work every day. But having fun is never one of them. Well, not unless you are Scarlett Johansson. A lot of people are simply heading out their door every day, tuned in to the movements of their clocks and then come back and give their sleeping children a customary kiss as they nod off themselves, their consciousness fighting between the exhaustion of today and the anxiety of tomorrow. The ‘American Dream’ might be another phrase without meaning to such people – just something that people in movies recite in order to make it seem possible to the underdog. But no one in the movie business knows what it’s like to be the underpaid underdog. There are no vacations, there are no family hours, there are no expensive dinners in French restaurants – there is only the ticking of the clock and the old work coffee

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