Making Movies, Event Planning or How to Learn from My Mistakes


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engines to notice you. You’ll never get much business if your site is always on page thirty of a client’s Goggle Search.

2. Just listing your company name on an Event or Wedding site along with the hundreds and hundreds of other names doesn’t automatically bring clients to your web site or lead to paying clients.

On many of these sites unless you put out some cash for top placement you’ll be listed with hundreds of other vendors and unfortunately if you’re not on one of the first few pages most potential clients will search no further than page one or two and so they’ll never see your listing. You’ll most likely be waiting by a phone that never rings.

3. Understand that your site is your business calling card. Don’t just throw up a site. Your site speaks for you. It’s got to say I’m a professional and this is what I can do for you. If

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