Making Movies, Event Planning or How to Learn from My Mistakes


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you can’t pay for a professional web site designer there are sites that help novices like I was to create a simple yet professional site. Or put out an ad to design schools with talented students who have knowledge of how to design a search engine friendly site.

Whatever you do don’t put up a site that you’re not proud of. If a potential client goes to your site and it’s a mess with graphics placed anywhere, or tons of different fonts or misspelled text or one that’s designed so poorly the client can’t figure out how to navigate from one of your pages to another I can tell you I wouldn’t be looking at your site for very long and I certainly wouldn’t be inclined to do business with your company. And you can pretty much bet no one else will either.

4. But probably the most important advice I can give you is to learn everything you can Search Engine

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