Making Movies, Event Planning or How to Learn from My Mistakes


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Optimization or SEO. Long gone are the days when you could put up a site and just sit back and you’d get visitors. There are way too many sites now.

You need to learn everything you can about SEO or Search Engine Optimization. This is critical to the success of your site. There’s loads of free information online.

5. And for my last bit of advice don’t just sit back and think you can relax because you’ve got your site up. Continue to research, read and learn everything you can about your business, website design and promotion and SEO by attending seminars, going to networking groups, and learning from online information sources. The crazy world of SEO continues to change everyday so to continue to stay on top you’ve got to continually upgrade your knowledge.

So to reiterate: For all you website newbies who want a site that helps sell your

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