Making Movies, Event Planning or How to Learn from My Mistakes


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company; be aware of how absolutely critical it is that you have a knowledge of web design, web marketing and SEO, how important it is to your survival and how this knowledge or lack of can mean the difference between a profitable or a non existent company

Remember if you want a starring role, you want to see your company name in lights you’ve got to study your lines, understand your character and audition every chance you get. In other words learn everything you can about the business of promoting your company, learn the business of web design and promotion and take every opportunity to promote your company by making your website the company’s ultimate salesperson

Gail Wise worked in the movie business for several years on such films as Jerry Maguire, Dante’s Peak, American Pie, Twister and many others. After leaving the film business she returned to the event industry and now owns an Event Vendor Referral Service Match Me Event Services.

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