Making Movies, Event Planning or How to Learn from My Mistakes


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So how hard could it be I thought to start an event planning business. I figured I’d just to get the word out that a new event planning company was in town by throwing up a website and I’d be ready for those first client calls.

I can now say and with all honesty I had no idea what I had just got myself into.

What had originally seemed like a brilliant idea, that of owning my own event planning company, slowly turned into a kind of nightmare. I found trying to break into the event planning business was like being in a line with a thousand other actors all trying to get a break.

I kept telling myself all I needed was a couple of small parts in even a “B” type of event to get my name out there and then I’d start to get those big parts that paid enormous amounts of money and get my name in lights. Well, maybe not my company name

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