Making Movies, Event Planning or How to Learn from My Mistakes


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in lights but maybe a lot of cash.

But the harsh reality was that there was a long line of people in front of me wanting the same thing I wanted and I was at the bottom of a very, very long list.

So how was I going to get my company noticed with all those other event companies vying for the same clients I was.  I knew I needed to advertise. I needed to get my company name out there somehow but cash was in short supply so my website was designated as the company salesperson.

Sadly I was so naïve at the time that I actually thought all I needed to do was put up a site describing my services, publish it and I’d get all kinds of potential clients coming to my site.

I remember the horror I felt after I first published my site and I googled the word event companies expecting my company name to come up in the search. What did come up in the

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