Making Movies, Event Planning or How to Learn from My Mistakes


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search was hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of event related companies but with my company name nowhere in site!

What I had failed to realize is that although I had a graphic design background and could design a visually presentable site, what I didn’t have was the technical know how or SEO knowledge needed to get my site noticed. I just didn’t understand what it took to create and promote a site…a site that the search engines gods like Google and Yahoo would list and would then bestow upon the honor of a good page ranking.

Although I did understand how important it was for my site turn up on the first couple of pages of a Google or Yahoo search what I didn’t understand was what a good page ranking meant, how to get it or how it mattered to my visitor count.

And this lack of know how about just this one facet of SEO was made painfully evident

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