Making Movies, Event Planning or How to Learn from My Mistakes


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week after week when I looked at my website stats. I was hardly getting any hits and my business or course suffered as a result.

Well, all this rambling now takes me to the point of this article which is; I wish I had known then what I know now. Or how to learn from my mistakes.

Recently I started a new company offering a different kind of event service and one, which I feel, is more suited to my likes and talents. And I decided this time around I was definitely going to do things a whole lot different when it came time to creating and promoting my website.

This time I decided that I was going to put some real energy and time into learning how to get the attention of those big bad search engines so potential clients could find my company website…But I wasn’t exactly sure how.

Unfortunately I didn’t have a clue as to where to begin or what I

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