Making Movies, Event Planning or How to Learn from My Mistakes


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for the attention of those nasty search engines.

So how could my little site when thrown in among all those hundreds and hundreds of other sites going to be noticed by anyone if it was always listed on page thirty or forty or even page fifty of a Google or Yahoo search.

I definitely felt a serious panic attack coming on!

Since I didn’t have the money to hire one of those high price Internet marketing companies to help me with my site I begin to do the only thing I could do and that was to educate myself. I researched web site after site on event planning businesses, web design and promotion and SEO. I read everything I could find and I mean I read everything. I was not going to post a site this time around and set back and hope that clients would miraculously find my site.

Well, to make a long story short I’ve learned a lot in the last year

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