Making music for movies or theater?

Question by juaneco_el_lokeko: Making music for movies or theater?
I make music but need to lern how to make music for theater and movies. is there any online tutorial or something that can help?
thx first 2 guys 4 ur help but i know there is lots of theory about making music for movies like making a main theme and maring variants of it for each part of the movie and making a new theme for some special part. That´s what I know by seeing movies like starwars but i know those guy have made some theories about it

Best answer:

Answer by Earl D
Not that I’m aware of.

Look at TV shows and movies and see what they do.

Remember minors are sad

Diminished are scarey or errie

That’s music theory, which is something you might want to consider learning.

Then you need to import some video without music into your computer and put it into Music Maker or Pro Tools and play along to it and record and put the wave in.

That’s the only way you’re going to learn.

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