Master of Light: Conversation with Contemporary Bollywood Cinematographer ? Rajeev Jain ICS WICA
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such as the edit suites and sound mixing rooms are just like what is being used in much of the Indian film and television industry.
I am also particularly impressed with the production value of the recent student films at Bhartendu Academy of Dramatic Arts. I think the standard of work is quite high.
I think it is fantastic that the students get to shoot projects Film is the international industry-standard format for feature films, as well most overseas television drama. It is rare for students to get the opportunity to work with film now that the digital formats are becoming more and more prevalent. If you are able to shoot and work with film, then you will be able to work in any format that you come across out there. It doesn’t work the other way around.
What I mean by this is that the principals of filmmaking are the same whichever format you
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