Medina ft. Lissie – Longest Road (Deadmau5 Remix) – Rare unreleased
Uploaded by hosehead66 on Nov 15, 2009 UPDATE: Apr 15, 2011 Fixed the downoload link – it requires at least 1 download every 30 days to stay active. May 20, 2010 UPDATE: Finally here’s the download link to the .mp3 I created for this vid. Finally it’s done! First I would like to ask Deadmau5 – would you consider releasing the HQ version of this song? Please please please? Thanks in advance. This version of the song isn’t perfect, but it’s as close as I could get to the original, which is extremely rare. Software used: Audacity Jasc Animation Shop 3 Jasc Paint Shop Pro Windows Movie Maker (I know.. big mistake) Sorry the sound doesn’t 100% line up to the vid. it does on my local copy but something with youtube conversion made it slightly off. Deadmau5 created the tune for Medina – You & I, but before he sold the rights (I think) he played the Longest Road vocals over it, and dropped it in the Mar 29, 2009 show at the Commodore in Vancouver. This was the first blinking mau5 vid I created back in Nov 2009. The instrumental mix did not exist when I started this vid, so I had to cut out the vocals from the You and I version using Audacity, and loop many small segments that didn’t contain vocals to recreate the instrumental (that was no small task). I then used windows movie maker (big mistake I know) to string together all the animations I created, and after hundreds of application crashes and hangups, this wonderful vid was rendered and posted to youtube for …
Video Rating: 4 / 5

An AMV tribute to Lightning, a true masterpiece. Disclaimer: I do not own “Final Fantasy XIII”, “Break My Bank”, or “My Hands”. They are respectively owned by Square Enix, New Boyz, and Leona Lewis. I respect the copyrights given to their works of art and hereby give them full credit for their content used in this video. Thank you. No fancy equipment or expensive software here, just Windows Live Movie Maker, a whole lot of time, dedication, and heart. This video is dedicated to Lightning, of course, and all of her fans. Enjoy! Thank you for watching!
Video Rating: 4 / 5