Ministry Marketing Video: 9 Reasons Why No One Is Watching


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statistics from a leader in measuring the digital world,

“U.S. Internet users watched 30.3 billion videos in April 2010, with Google Sites ranking as the top video property with 13.1 billion videos, representing 43.2 percent of all videos viewed online. YouTube accounted for the vast majority of videos viewed at the property.”

You may have tried to taken advantage of all those eyes watching videos for your business, service, or ministry marketing venture. You invested in the time, maybe even a video camera, and got the nerve up to start shooting videos to sell your service, a book, a product, or something related to your ministry.

So what is happening? No one is watching your videos? Why?

These 9 common mistakes are just a few of the problems people make when creating their video. You can learn how to avoid them

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