Misuse of internet why


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and showed them in the form of bar graphs. These bar .graphs show the results in a more clear form and also show the comparison of internet misuse among boys and girls. RESULTS QUESTION 1: ~ 5 public computer network that provides the communication infrastructure for applications such as e-mail, the World Wide Web, and FTP. The Internet is not one individual network, but an interconnected system of smaller networks using common protocols to pass packets of information from one computer to another. Early work on the Internet began in the 1960s at the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), in the USA. It was based on theories of packet switching, particularly those of Leonard Kleinrock. In 1967 work by Lawrence Roberts, Vinton Cerf, and Bob Kahn led to the publishing of plans for the ARPANET network. They were put into practice in 1969, when the ARPANET was used to connect

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