Misuse of internet why


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become cheap enough for domestic users to have their own links on home personal computers. The impact of the Internet on the economy has been huge. In 2002 Internet-related activities accounted for nearly 10 million jobs. By 2006, it was estimated that there were more than 1 billion Internet users worldwide. A report published in November 2003 by Nielson NetRatings found that that US Internet users in the over-65 age group accounted for the largest increase in Internet use. Women in this age group increased their Web use by 30% on the previous year, and men by 20%. In 1999 Internet2 became operational, running on a second network, Abilene, operated by private contractors and providing a high-speed data communications system for 205 US research universities, enabling them to bypass the congestion on the Internet. DISCUSSION According our report: · 52% of

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