Misuse of internet why


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girls perceive chat from the word INTERNT and 60% of males perceive surfing from it. · 35% boys download (songs, movies, games) where as 43% girls visit social networks · 63% of student check mark their behavior that they stay online longer than originally intended. · 76% of students don’t inform their parent when they chat with a stranger. · 60% of the males met with the person whom they didn’t know personally where as 55% of female didn’t met and wont if they ever get chance. · 30% of the boys said they do share their personal photos with anyone. · 62% boys said they chat with anyone available online, while 48% of the girls said they chat with friends only. · 60% of the boys spend more than 1 hr where as 62% of girls spend less than 1 hr on net. · 73% of the parents don’t ask about what their children do on the internet, or don’t keep a check on

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