Misuse of internet why


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their visited web pages. · 62% girls said it doesn’t matter if they don’t get access to internet a day but 45% boys go to friend’s place to use internet. Our research shows that males misuse internet more than females. While conducting interview we asked teachers about student performance. They said girls are getting good scores than boys. Most of the boys have problems like uncompleted assignments, more absences than girls and etc. As our survey shows that 60% of boys spend more than 1 hr on net so internet is effecting badly the studies of students especially boys. ~ 10 ~ On comparing our report with others we find out the same abuses of internet mentioned in our report and many other reports high light that most of the misuse of internet is done by males .our results shows the same thing. LIMITATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS The sample size for our research was 41 subjects, which

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