Misuse of internet why


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certain ages and some not appropriate for kids at all —there are many types of places to visit in cyberspace. Spending time online with your child is one of the best ways to monitor them and teach them what is right and what is wrong. This will help a lot in cutting down internet crimes and misuse. 2. Ask children to share their favorite Web sites and what they like about them. Help them discover Websites that can help them with their homework, hobbies, and other special interests. Doing this will help you make your children use the internet for the good purposes and will save them from misusing it. 3. Consider locating your home computer in a family area where use can be shared and monitored. Teach your children “netiquette” how to behave online. ~ 11 ~ 4. Just as you teach your child rules about dealing with strangers outside the home, you must provide

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