Misuse of internet why


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3 ~ A research on the same topic as ours was conducted by Nimra Amjad. The summary of her findings is stated below (Source: dawn newspaper April 26, 2003) Statistics for the year 2000 available on the internet reveal that only 4.5 persons per 1000 people in Pakistan use internet compared with 45 in India, 14.5 in Iran, 10.5 in Sri Lanka and 6.5 in Nepal. In a survey she conducted in Karachi last year, it was found that: • 86 per cent of the children surveyed said they have computers at their homes. • 93 per cent of parents questioned said they want to monitor children over the internet. • None of the respondents is using any filtering software. • 75 per cent respondents are willing pay extra amount for web filtering through ISPs It was further disclosed in the survey that the four most common activities performed by children online are: – Emails, Chatting,

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