Movie Making?
Question by Movie Making?
yeah, My friends and I are making a movie, but we’re kinda curious about all that legal stuff, y’know permission and stuff like that, plus we’re using guns (air soft) and lots of blood. I am curious of what stuff I’m supposed to do. anyone know?
Best answer:
Answer by Ms.Firefly
If your making a short film that your putting on youtube or something I think your ok but if your going to submit it into film festivals then you have to get permission to use songs/products. I don’t think there would be any problem with the air soft guns.If your filming it out in public (like a park or public place) then you might want to be careful. I made a short film a while ago and we had fake guns and filmed it at a park and people called the cops on us because they thought the guns were real. So just be careful about that.
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