Movie Making Secrets: Green Screen and Sex Appeal

Cheap filmmaking tip: Learn how to set up and light an inexpensive green screen (just !!). Typically I shoot all my green screen segments against a wall that has been painted with professional chrome green paint. I realize that most people cant do this; so I went out and bought a green blanket from Wal-Mart for . But there’s more to it than that. Firstmake sure that when you set up your green screen, you get rid of all the big wrinkles. Having wrinkles will cast shadows on your green screen and make keying extremely hard. Nextset up two lights with the same intensity on each side of the green screen; if these lights are not a soft source, be sure to put diffusion over the light. Thenput CTB (color temperature blue) gel over your lights to cool their color temperature, and help create color contrast between your talent and the screen. Nowbring in your talent and move them as far away from your screen as possible so you can avoid green spill. Thenlight your actor to match the environment youll be placing them into. Its good to use a backlight to help separate your actor; but if it doesnt match the background youre putting them in; then have you actor wear clothes that heavily contrast with the green screen.
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