Movie Questions & Answers


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can see it. Hostel be such a ridiculously bad…

How would I attain money for movies?
I’m 14 in high conservatory and maybe when I’m 15 in december I can return with a job[if im lucky enough]. I always want to go to the movies on weekends but I hold NO ******* money and no job yet, it aggravates me to no terminate. How can I solve this issue?…

How would the aliens enjoy even come into th peoples houses surrounded by the movie the 4rth nature?
ok..if it was real which it isnt, how would the aliens enjoy even come into the houss? What the hell does a homocide have to do with aliens? And how can hypnosis even do that to someone? ..I basically…

How would you class the Harry Potter films?
I’m sorry for the constant HP film questions, but today I’m contained by a Harry Potter

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