Movie Quotes, What movie are they from?

Question by Katie: Movie Quotes, What movie are they from?
Can you guess what quotes these movies from?
Good luck!

(1) Has anyone ever thrown up on the track before?
(2) If I dont leave then you dont leave!
(3) Good Morning Charlie!
(4) Sometimes you have to lower your expectations
(5) The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.
(6) Lee can’t be black there’s a height requirement.
(7) Okay, well Gigantor makes me sound like a freak,
(8) No, I promised I wouldn’t go *buy* Ouija board. I borrowed one.
(9) Candy Cane? Hey anybody know a Candy Cane?
(10) The numbers are the key to everything.

Bonus- Dont forget your change!
For number 2 the movie is based on an a couple and their on an Island.

For Number 6 think Men in……???
Number 2 isnt Pineapple express. and number 6 isnt Rush hour.
1) Whip it
2) Heavens Pond.
3) Charlies Angels
4) Eight Below
5) Se7en
6) Men in black
7) Night at the museum
8) Paranormal Activity
9) Joyride/ Roadkill
10) Knowing
BONUS- The Grinch

Best answer:

Answer by Salma R
only know no 7 – which is from night at the museum

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