Movie seen on tv help?
Question by : Movie seen on tv help?
Hope someone can help me identifying a movie I watched together with my parents when I last visited them.
We did jump into it when it had runned for about 20 minuts, and we was catched by the plot/scene(see below).
Title: unknown (did not check tv-guide or such later)
Plot/scene: 6 persons is kept locked up(the reason for the lock-up I do not know) in a room where walls, floors and roof is white, and every day or so there is asked wierd questions, such as “where is the american general IQ placed according to the world”, the one person most far from the right answer will be killed by one of the other persons in the room(by pistol) as far as I remember.
Seems like the persons does not even know who have caught them so between the questions there is played arabic talking and praying and foot-steps.
Now and then there is changed to the operating room where americans measure and control thier actions.
Close to end of the movie there is only two persons left and there is then asked another question to be answered(not allowed to make arranged answers). So when answer-time is up it is time for the one person to kill the other person.
Ending with the last standing tries to excape, but all doors gets locked to he is forced into the room where they want him, ends with text “Welcome to Phase two”.
Hope some can help with title or such.
Best answer:
Answer by marta
The Killing Room (2009)
Four individuals sign up for a psychological research study only to discover that they are now subjects of a brutal, modern version of the Project MKULTRA indoctrination program.
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