My Flash 8 program is running very slowly. How can I help it work faster?
Question by failing03: My Flash 8 program is running very slowly. How can I help it work faster?
I am creating an animated movie using Flash 8. I bought this computer about 3 months ago and I purposefully bought it with 2 gigs of RAM for the purpose of making the movie run smoothly. However, lately it has been taking like 60 seconds just to open the fla file, and while working I am waiting 5-10 seconds for each command I give the program to register and make anything happen. I’m not running any other programs in the background. What can I do to make Flash not have such a great delay in processing?
Best answer:
Answer by The Tech Guy
Might be the processing power needed, if your movie is pretty big.
One thing you could do is make your movie into parts, so you only have to work with a piece of the movie at a time. Then at the end you can import the other movies in as clips in a seperate container movie later, or spend some time hashing in the parts into scenes of the same movie all at once.
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