Need Help Finding Movie Quotes ASAP?
Question by NeedWeddingHelp: Need Help Finding Movie Quotes ASAP?
I need to make a motivational style video and i need some help in finding movies and if possible where about in the movie they say some of the following quotes. Doesn’t have to be exact words, just something similar:
1. “Here we go again”
2. “Let’s Do it all over again”
3. “Have i ever let you down before”
4. “What, you didn’t think i could do it”
5. “Watch this”
6. “This is what you wanted to see, isn’t it”
7. “This is where it all stated”
8. “This is where it all ended”
Hopefully someone can help with any or all of these and unfortunately i am on a time crunch so any and all responses are more than welcome.
thanks a lot
Best answer:
Answer by $ r!
U can go for
Type d quote and search in imdb.
Or else,
Check out d quotes of d following movies:
1. Million dollar baby
2. Ali
3. The pursuit of happYness
4. Freedom writers
5. Great debators
6. 300
7. Remember the titans
8. Goal 1,2
9. Blind side
10. Changeling
11. The aviator
12. I am legend
13. Little manhattan
14. Little miss sunshine
I m nt sure dat all of these movies can help u… Bt u may find some…
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