Need help making a 3D movie?
Question by David: Need help making a 3D movie?
I want to make a 3D movie and was wondering what movie editing software is good to make it with. I am talking about a 3D movie as in red and cyan glasses to see the 3D effect, not 3D animation. I was also wondering what programs professionals used to make 3D movies. I already know that 3D movies are generally made by shooting each scene with multiple cameras set up at different angles and then combining the images in post production. I have tried it in Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum and the 3D effect did not work at all much. Do not post a website link. I want it explained in your answer and then you can give me a link after your answer.
Best answer:
Answer by Alan with an Eh
If you want a better quality 2d to 3d anaglyph conversion I would recommend TriDef 3D.
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