Network Marketing Prospecting Tips – How To Be A Prospecting Master
Network Marketing Prospecting Tips – How To Be A Prospecting Master
Prospecting in the network marketing industry is nearly always done incorrectly. The training protocol is usually replete with fallacies like:
– Everyone is your prospect
– Your prospect should “do you a favor”
– Don’t use a script – just sound “natural”
Let’s break these down to see why they are simply NOT true. In the process, you’ll see why simply avoiding these common myths will put you on track to being a master prospector:
1. “Everyone is your prospect”
Not everyone is your prospect. While everyone may benefit from what you have, not everyone is going to be interested. That’s just the reality of marketing. Prospecting is less about convincing and selling, and more about simply sorting. You want to sort those who are interested and ready from those who are not, and the best way to do it is with
a compelling interest question that offers the benefits of what you have in exchange for some of your prospects time.
2. “Your prospect should do you a favor”
Your prospect is never there to do you a favor. Asking them to do you favors by attending your sales presentation is a waste of positioning and time. In this industry, people join leaders, not followers. If you are begging for favors, are you leading? Nope – you’re simply begging. Don’t beg – offer value in exchange for their time or time. That’s a legit transaction. Favors are too one-sided: you’re not doing enough for your prospect if you’re trying to get favors out of them.
3. “Don’t use a script – just sound natural”
Do actors on TV sound fake or canned? Not if they’re good. Do they use scripts? Of course they do. Scripts don’t “make” anyone sound canned.
People sound canned when they don’t know their scripts. Scripts are critical for tracking, for duplication/replication, and for building a real system into your business. Not using a script means everyone in your organization will simply stumble and fumble around with their prospect, demonstrating a lack of professionalism and leadership.
Leaders demonstrate leadership, confidence, and offer value. Don’t be a follower – be a leader.
Joshua Fuson is a professional marketer, and has participated in the generation of over million dollars in the direct-marketing industry in the past 4 years alone. To find out more about Josh, click here.
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