New Batman Arkham City: Harley’s Revenge DLC Footage & More! – Up at Noon
Want to see Robin kick a lot of ass in the new Harley’s Revenge DLC? Want to see Naomi in a Harley Quinn outfit? Well, this week’s Up at Noon has both! We take a look at Arkham City’s new downloadable content. Afterwards, Naomi reveals what Harley Quinn does during her downtime (and it’s probably creepier than you might expect). Also, Destin talks about Bungie’s new game franchise, codenamed “Destiny,” Brian Altano offers his exciting E3 predictions, and Hulk Hogan reminisces about one of his favorite Japanese games. We also have a great interview with actor-by-day/ superhero-by-night Eric Ladin. You may know Eric best as the voice of Cole in Infamous 2, or seen him in AMC’s Mad Men and The Killing. Eric talks about the voiceover process for video games and what it’s like to break embargoes on Twitter. Finally, we have jokes about Diablo 3, Sonic the Hedgehog, Devil May Cry, Street Fighter and a vegetarian shark. Yes. A vegetarian shark. If you liked today’s episode, please hit the like button. Subscribe to START for more original programming: Subscribe to IGN’s channel for the latest reviews, trailers, and walkthroughs: Here’s our full schedule: Up At Noon — Monday Cheap Cool Crazy – Thursday Mix’d Reviews – Friday
Video Rating: 4 / 5