NEW MOON –Movie??? is it possible??

Question by missmusic: NEW MOON –Movie??? is it possible??
Okay –we’re all pretty excited about the upcoming Twilight movie (12.12.08) Who isn’t right? I mean, it’s like only the hottest love story this side of the century…Now, i am a bit concern for the sequel to the first movie (since there are 4 books released –)…

I cannot absolutely be certain that New Moon would make for a good movie..i mean, it sounds so boring (sorry, new moon is the least fave of mine out of all the 4 books)… It’s going to be hard seeing the whole jacob thing –bella in ruins thing…it’s going to be one depressing movie or something… i don’t think there’s enough “material” in New Moon for a movie…

Sure–there are werewolves and volturis –but not really some action sequences..more like explanations…uhmmm i don’t know…

I just want to know what you guys think about New Moon being made into a movie…


Best answer:

Answer by Vivian L
I also think it would be boring. We would have a very long wait until the action starts (when Edward is in Italy).

I think it would make a good television programme, because I don’t think I would spend my money on watchin New Moon. I would rather download it and watch it when I have the time. It might not excite me as much as Twilight will.

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