NEW MOON MOVIE QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?
Question by Kaylee S: NEW MOON MOVIE QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?
okay so yeah like i love the twilight books, so much
and so of course im super excited for new moon to come out in theaters
why the hell are they going to replace some of the cast members?
like i lovvveeeee taylor l. for jacob, and i dont want them to make some other guy for him.
why would they do that?
and they already have the date for when it comes out on
i mean im thrilled that its so early
(nov. 20, 2009, for those who dont know)
but like isnt it too early?
i would rather them take a while and make the film freaking sweet, rather than them rush it and then it sucks.
which i think they did for twilight
i mean it was a good movie overall,
but rob and kristen didnt have enough emotion.
i didnt seem like they were crazy for eachother at all
the way bella and edward are supposed to be.
tell me your thoughts 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by missashley3460
you are very opinionated lol
u remind me of my friends
i totally agree
i luv the books 2
but i guess they wanna get new moon out whiile people are still hyped about it
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