Nigerian Movie Review – Jungle Act – 2010
Nigerian Movie Review – Jungle Act – 2010
Set in the jungle that is Lagos, Akin, a petroleum engineering graduate has been looking for work for years. One night a chance encounter in a parking lot with Honourable Jembe a friend of his late father brings about a new opportunity. Honourable Jembe recommends him for a job. He gives him his business card and writes a note on the back for the MD of the company. Luck is not on his side because he loses his wallet containing the card before he has the chance to interview at the company.
On the other side of Lagos we see Emeka who like Akin is an unemployed graduate. He is behind on his house rent and due to be evicted when he sees a man drop his wallet on the street. Instead of warning the man or returning it, her waits until the man is out of eyeshot and grabs it. The opportunity that was Akin’s now becomes his.
Irene is Akin’s girlfriend.