Night at the Museum taking on local flavor

making money movie
Image by Do I Exist?
I used the stop-motion video feature on my Nikon D60 to make this. I took an individual picture for each frame, then put them together as a movie in-camera. For some reason, it’s playing faster here than it’s supposed to.

Night at the Museum taking on local flavor
When Lance Jenkins took over as manager of the Roanoke Canal Museum and Trail in August, he took an idea from a popular movie and began working on how to make it happen for residents of the Valley.
Read more on Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald

Sideshow: Paltrow tells a Cruise tale
Gwyneth Paltrow’s nukelar publicity blitzkrieg for her pic Country Strong caused more casualties this week, including taste and common decency. In a chat with Rachael Ray set to air Friday and excerpted by USA Today, Gwyn admits she enjoyed making out with Tinseltown’s creepiest centaur, Tom Cruise.

This week’s DVD, CD reviews
The concert calendar isn’t exactly packed these days. But you can still get your live music fix on DVD. And you don’t have to empty your piggy bank to do it.
Read more on Toronto Sun

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