Ouija Board- How to make your own! (Quick and Easy)
Michael Jackosn Fan? Go to the following video:- www.youtube.com In this video I show you how to make your own Ouija Board using materials which can be found around the home… Often asked questions: Q=Can I make this out of paper? A= YES! You most certainly can make a Ouija Board using paper! I chose to use card for stability! Q=Do you have to “laminate” the board? A=You do not HAVE to laminate it, but for the most comfortable and easy experience I would reccomend it. Q=The Ouija Board doesn’t work for me? A=The Ouija Board is far more than a game, thus requires allot of patience, energy and focus. Not everyone has the board work for them first time, but trust me… Given daily practice and propper use you WILL make the connection! Time and patience are the key 🙂
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This is one of my favorite Jim Rogers videos out there. Jim Rogers is an investment legend and understands how the economy really works. Not like these kooks on TV that give investment advise. Please be prepared and study economics (mises.org) because once you understand how economics really work, you will see how the government created these problems over the past decades and why they will keep trying to fix the problem with more of the same and make things worse. Only when you see how they did and continue to create these problems, will you be in a position to oppose them. Don’t put all your eggs in the dollar basket. That includes a holding dollars, investing in companies using the dollar, or working for a company that pays in dollars. Diversify out of dollars and protect yourself and your family. And prepare every way you can. This is a little older, 4-08, but was one of the videos that first showed me what a really remarkable man Jim Rogers is.
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