Owning Your Own Website Is Vital To Online Success
Owning Your Own Website Is Vital To Online Success
If you take your online business seriously, the importance of owning your own website is paramount. Gone are the days when you could get by with a free website hosted by Geocities or Yahoo – your potential customers have become much more demanding, even if you don’t realize it. If you aren’t sold on the importance of owning your own website, let this list of reasons why help make the case for you.
Owning your own website says that you’re a professional. These days not having a website for your business is like not having a phone number – it will just make your prospects wonder why you aren’t doing things like the professionals do. Don’t let this happen.
Owning your own website reinforces your brand. Since repetition is the key to selling, the importance of owning your own website name is clear. Every time you mention your
web address, you’re delivering a mini-commercial to your prospects that will stick in their minds.
Owning your own website lets you capture valuable prospect data. Having your own website means that you can add simple program scripts to your web pages that let you capture visitors’ names and email addresses – priceless information that you can use to market to them more often.
Owning your own website lets you sell more of your products. If you’re just promoting your products on other websites, you’re missing a huge opportunity for extra profit. The importance of owning your own website is in owning the visitor’s experience – if they come to your web page to learn more about you, you can more easily guide them to your products than you can on other sites.
Owning your own website increases your visibility. When you control your
own website, every bit of content you put on it helps boost your search engine ratings, driving more visitors to your site. More visitors mean more sales, and that alone emphasizes the importance of owning your own website.
Owning your own website makes you money while you sleep. If you have your products for sale on your website, people from all over the world can buy from you, anytime of day. You can go to bed one day and wake up with more money the next morning.
Owning your own website helps your customers connect with you. You can set up a contact form on your website to help with customer service issues and feedback. Make it easy for your customers to connect with you, and they’ll trust you more (and buy from you more often as a result).
There are many more reasons than these that drive home the importance of owning your
own website. But these seven should be enough to convince you that when you have a website of your own, you open yourself up to an endless opportunity to increase your sales and get your offers in front of more people, twenty-four hours a day.
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Article from articlesbase.com