Photography Tutorial for Beginners: Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO

Photography Tutorial for Beginners: APERTURE Tutorial SHUTTER SPEED Tutorial ISO Tutorial There three things that affect the exposure of an image: The APERTURe, SHUTTER SPEED and ISO. You need to find the perfect balance between these three elements to get the right look that you want, as well as the right exposure. The aperture affects the amount of light that comes into the sensor and the depth of field. The depth of field will determine how much of the image is in focus. The shutter speed will determine the length of the exposure. The longer the shutter speed, the more light comes in, and the shorter the shutter speed, the less light comes into the image. It also determines the amount of blur that appears in the photo. A longer exposure is more susceptible to blur and camera shake. The ISO is the sensitivity of the sensor to light. Lower ISOs mean that the sensor is less sensitive and therefore going to need more light to expose an image. Higher ISO requires less light to expose and image, but adds noise the the image. Noise will saturate color, making them look unrealistic. Getting the right exposure is all about balancing these three elements. It will take time, but if you learn the basics, it gets easier! Leave comments and questions in the comment section! I’m always happy to help! Thanks! LINKS! FLICKR: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: CAMCRUNCH: Photography Tutorial Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO Photography …
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