Playing Chess With the Devil: Making Sense of the Most Popular Book In the World. Genesis 6-11. The Covenant With Noah and Babel. Lesson 6
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Playing Chess With the Devil: Making Sense of the Most Popular Book In the World. Genesis 6-11. The Covenant With Noah and Babel. Lesson 6
The situation by Genesis 6:7 looked dour. God’s wrath was coming against the pre-Flood world like a locomotive in 120 years with the awful result being the destruction of every living thing in the creation, including the one who carried the Redeemer in his loins.
But God had made a covenant promise to Eve and to Satan in Genesis 3:15 with these words, “I will…” Thus, God bound Himself and made a unilateral covenant bond in blood, intimating that His own life and death was at stake if He failed to make good on His word. As the sole covenant-maker, He did not require that any conditions be met by Adam or anyone else. The Bible says that God doesn’t lie (Titus 1:2), and the Bible refers to God’s covenants as “the covenants of promise.” So there isn’t any possible way to circumvent or nullify any of those
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