Playing Chess With the Devil: Making Sense of the Most Popular Book In the World. Genesis 6-11. The Covenant With Noah and Babel. Lesson 6
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rebellion and violence once again against the Creator and His authority (11:1-4). Ultimately, it would be directed against the Promised Seed of the woman if allowed to progress unstopped.
At the time, the whole world’s communication was based on one language spoken by all. That one simple language allowed Nimrodic schemes to coagulate rapidly and coalesce into a unified stand against God in the building of a political and religious center of operations in Babel (Babylon), the seat of Nimrod’s tyranny. From here, his command center, Satan could hunt the Seed with the whole world pursuing Him in swift, clear, common communication with one another. Their hunt for the Seed would be precise and decisive. Since God had promised Noah that never again would He destroy the world by water and that there would forever be “seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter,
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